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January 2009

Snowy • Hi: 17º F • Lo: 4º F

Drivers should proceed with caution while driving on roads before they have been cleared. Up to two inches expected to fall overnight. For more information and updates on the weather, visit World News Broadcasting online.
Character Of The Month

Played by Rach

A fifth year prima ballerina with a realistic lifestyle, a wonderful sense of humor, and a delightful plot. Congratulations go to Rach on winning this month's award!
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More From Felicity
Felicity Quotes! 14o1zrq

Pop! Goes The Cherry
»"Oh, WG, have you really know decency? This is kind of old news, but it looks like IC might have paid off a few people, like the true politician’s daughter that she is, to keep this little gem on the hush hush. But oh, IC, IC, don’t you know that nothing is safe from me?"

Oh, Baby, Baby!
»"Hey Harrimaners, sorry for my brief abscence, but I’ve been just too busy trying to keep track of all the gossip in this school to even be able to write about it! But this little piece of news was just TOO good for even a busy bee like me to pass up."


World News Broadcasting 03.19.09
»"Yet another car bomb went off in Iraqiranistan at approximately 3 PM this afternoon. Casualties were numbered at as many as twenty Iraqistanis, as well as three American soldiers, and thirty of both parties wounded. A statement has not been issued by the army as to the potential terrorists, but WNB is willing to guesstimate that Tyler Durden + Sack Of Mothballs = Big Explosion"

Maine to Pass Bill for Heavy Budget Cuts; Sports, Arts Suffer
» "Maine has been following the precedent set by several other United States school boards and has been cutting funding significantly to schools, especially for fine arts programs. While this mostly affects public schools, it will also affect a small number of private and magnet schools that receive fundings, grants, and scholarships for students from the government."

cigarettes and chocolate milk RPG-D All We Know cupid
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Felicity Quotes!

Post  Jane Johnson Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:02 pm

You know there are bound to be some interesting things said around here, whether by one of us in the cbox or one of our crazy characters out in their world.

This is where you can share the ones that made you giggle, wretch, or...have to pee?


[b]Your Alias:[/b]
[b]Who You're Quoting:[/b]
[b]Where's It From? (link if you can!) :[/b]
[b]Zee Quote! :[/b]

Last edited by Jane Johnson on Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jane Johnson
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Re: Felicity Quotes!

Post  Jane Johnson Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:05 pm

Your Alias: eev
Who You're Quoting: me and rach
Where's It From? (link if you can!) : the cbox!
Zee Quote! :

eev: those two [jay and micah] are like....awkward in a cup
rach: yessss
rach: hot, steamy, delicious awkward
eev: exactly!
eev: now i must go start a quotes forum just for that XP
Jane Johnson
Jane Johnson
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Re: Felicity Quotes!

Post  Isaac Cauldine Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:51 pm

Your Alias: ashleigh
Who You're Quoting: ree and myself
Where's It From?: aim
Zee Quote! :

"ree" (9:47:43 AM): ...the next name was 'virgil'
ashybearotp (9:47:47 AM): xD
"ree" (9:47:48 AM): that's like calling him 'vagina'
Isaac Cauldine
Isaac Cauldine
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Re: Felicity Quotes!

Post  Gerard Crelia Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:08 am

Your Alias: Becky
Who You're Quoting: Moi! Very Happy
Where's It From?: Cbox, me luvs Very Happy
Zee Quote! :

19 Jan 09, 14:51
becky: because darnie is MAGIC
19 Jan 09, 14:51
becky: like mushrooms
Gerard Crelia
Gerard Crelia
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Re: Felicity Quotes!

Post  Saffron Wickersham Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:13 am

Your Alias: Squiishy
Who You're Quoting: Becky&Frankie! <3
Where's It From?: Cbox durrh
Zee Quote! :

20 Jan 09, 13:06
becky: I like the bad boys
20 Jan 09, 13:06
becky: you can spank them Very Happy
20 Jan 09, 13:06
Frankie: :O
20 Jan 09, 13:06
20 Jan 09, 13:07
Frankie: Robert Pattinson! <3
20 Jan 09, 13:07
becky: haha, nah, was always malfoy from like....the fifth film for meee
20 Jan 09, 13:08
Frankie: well... the third malfoy was ok but potter and cedric and ...the twins!
20 Jan 09, 13:08
becky: I mean honestly, could you spank cedric? Razz
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Saffron Wickersham
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Re: Felicity Quotes!

Post  Isabelle Cauldine Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:35 am

Your Alias: rorschach, err, rach. (WAAAY too much watchmen...)
Who You're Quoting: my other half.
Where's It From? (link if you can!) : aimmz
Zee Quote! :RCtiggr (9:34:11 PM): hmmm, what should izz wear to the concert...?
RCtiggr (9:34:14 PM): what should the theme be?
ashybearotp (9:34:17 PM): nothing
RCtiggr (9:34:22 PM): XP
ashybearotp (9:34:22 PM): theme: nudity
Isabelle Cauldine
Isabelle Cauldine
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Re: Felicity Quotes!

Post  Isaac Cauldine Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:28 am

Your Alias: ashleigh
Who You're Quoting: ben and meeee.
Where's It From? (link if you can!) : aim
Zee Quote!
"ben" (10:19:08 PM): HAHA. Luckily, I think we both have an unnatural skill at being completely stupid. xDDDD
ashybearotp (10:19:20 PM): haha
ashybearotp (10:19:23 PM): oh i know
ashybearotp (10:19:29 PM): i own at my stupidity
"ben" (10:21:13 PM): Dude.
"ben" (10:21:19 PM): I bet if we were in the same room
ashybearotp (10:21:22 PM): HAHA
"ben" (10:21:23 PM): The world would implode.
ashybearotp (10:21:25 PM): bubble of stupid
ashybearotp (10:22:03 PM): they would throw one of us into a country we are at war with, then when the right time came, drop the other one of us right next to the first -BOOB-
ashybearotp (10:22:07 PM): PAHAHA
ashybearotp (10:22:12 PM): -BOOM*
ashybearotp (10:22:14 PM): xDDDD
ashybearotp (10:22:17 PM): lahwerg
ashybearotp (10:22:19 PM): xD
"ben" (10:22:20 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
ashybearotp (10:22:53 PM): oh my gawd
ashybearotp (10:22:59 PM): i rest my case
Isaac Cauldine
Isaac Cauldine
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Felicity Quotes! Empty Re: Felicity Quotes!

Post  Saffron Wickersham Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:30 am

Your alias: squiishy
Who You're Quoting: becky & rach
Where's It From? cbox
Zee Quote!

12 Mar 09, 16:24
becky: I can see Gee cornering Will and going wtf? It's mine, you asshole. *huge fight ensues*
12 Mar 09, 16:25
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